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Participer à la vie de l’écomusée "LES RACINES DE LA VIE RURALE"

Participate in the life of the ecomuseum 

Do you have free time and would like to take part in the development and activities of the “ROOTS OF RURAL LIFE” eco-museum?

Join our team of volunteers! Contribute in a good mood and in a warm setting to the smooth running of the museum. 

Donate items or money

Passionate about history, old trades, crafts or simply in love with Flanders and its heritage?


You may have traditional objects from our region, which may interest us to carry out some of our projects, expand and develop our cultural influence!


Pursuant to article 6 of the law of July 1, 1901, the Ecomuseum Association has the right to receive donations, whether material or financial. Donations made to the Ecomuseum Association entitle you to a tax deduction amounting to 66% of the sums paid.

objets traditionnels
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